Attending GNOME.Asia 2023

2023-12-06Genre: POSSE

I'm back home from Kathmandu. This time it was an event from GNOME; the GNOME.Asia 2023. There were poeple from Fedora, GNOME, Phosh form different parts of world ; USA, Indonesia, India in Kathmandu, Nepal for a conference about FOSS. It was quite an event. Also, got to contribute to fedora by eating the 20th anniversary cake too😉, there should really be a badge for "has eaten fedora cake" in fedora badges.

It was a very fun and educational experience. I realize that the people in FOSS are generally very generous, friendly and helpful.


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    theme: gruvbox-light
  1. everforest
  2. light
  3. dark
  4. gruvbox
  5. light
  6. dark
  7. night
  8. solis
  9. spaceduck
  10. gotham
  11. dracula
  12. nord
  13. light
  14. dark
  15. one
  16. light
  17. dark
  18. tokyo
  19. night
  20. night-light
  21. catppuccin
  22. latte
  23. frappe
  24. macchiato
  25. mocha