2024-04-05Genre: Articles

KDE Network Nepal: Event 0


Somewhere around 2017, I started using Linux. KDE was the first Distro I ever tried. It was the whole reason why I switched to Linux. Now that I realize, it was actually KDE Plasma I was attracted to and I still love it. I can make my desktop however I want it to look, that was enough for me to step to the Linux world. KDE also makes a good deal of other software and not just plasma, Kdenlive and Krita being two of the most popular products. I particularly love Kstars to track stars and constellations when I am stargazing.

kde dragons

Network Nepal

KDE isn't a company of sorts, it's a community. A group of people sharing interests with each others and developing software for everyone. And not just any kind of software, high-end Free/Libre and Open Source Software. People are the heart of the community and the more people there are the better will be KDE.

KDE Network?
The KDE Network is a group of KDE representatives in their respective cities/countries. They promote KDE, and it’s work in their local community.

Network Nepal

After learning about the KDE Network and a way to contribute to KDE as a Student. I had proposed an idea of a KDE Network for Nepal to represent KDE in Nepal to my friends and simultaneously to the KDE Promo team. Due to the support of KDE Promo team especially @aniqakhokhar and @paulb from the team, I along with my fellow FOSS geek friends decided to Introduce the Network from an Introductory event along with KDE 6 Megarelease celebration.

Network Nepal Presentation on Linux

We hosted a meetup for students interested in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). The event welcomed freshmen from computer engineering and electronics communication and information engineering programs, alongside some sophomores and juniors.

The meetup covered a range of FOSS topics, including what it is and how it works. Attendees learned about Linux, its components, and the KDE Plasma desktop environment. They also explored the KDE software collection, and then got to know what the Network was. To make the event fun, there was a KDE trivia quiz too!

Network Nepal Setup

Along with us, some students shared their experiences with FOSS, making the meetup a great interactive session. Everyone had a chance to learn from each other, and it was a window to the exciting world of open-source software for many students.

I'm excited to organize future events showcasing the exciting ecosystem of KDE software and Linux, spreading the knowledge of FOSS to a wider audience. Till then...

KDE Network Nepal's [matrix] channel to chat: #kde-network-nepal:kde.org
Visit kde.org to know more about KDE Software and the awesome community.