
2024-11-23Genre: Stories

And he said...

We humans are pathetic for hiding our emotions, the only thing that makes us humans. Nothing is visual, nothing is apparent, nothing is what it seems like it is. If only it was simple, to understand the person sitting in front of you smiling. But, we never know what a person is feeling just by asking them. Yet the words that describe emotions are getting heavier, I am happy, I am sad, I am unsatisfied, I am confused, I am worried, I am angry, I am sad, I am sad, I am sad, I am at the verge of depression..........


If there are italic voices inside "(parenthesis)" then that it is me talking to myself in my head, feel free to ignore my head.

The problem is even worse in the social media. The moment you stop interacting with them in real like, poof they are the happiest people on earth. Yet, nobody is happy in this beautiful place #nature #mother_earth #savetheplanet. Everyone has a problem to share and nobody wants a do what it takes (or get help) to solve their problem. (Ironically, this sentence proves that I am a "man".)

Still, As our world is getting to a point that a piece of glass is how we understand people, (Both, the people we meet in real life and the people we "meet" in the magic mirror.) we are moving away from our own identity in nature, the feeling of knowing the things(especially people) we interact with.

The another problem is the ability to ignore(in other words, run away from interactions and confrontations) is supercharged by an arrangement of rocks that can think. (thinking about it, we too are arrangements of rocks that can think, but you get the point.)


This is a checkpoint, congratulations! You have successfully read to x% of this story.

We were always attention seekers to begin with, but now our attention span is so bad that we need to be doing something to do something. I myself am addicted to the glowing box that I subconsciously(umm, actually, mindlessly*) pick it up and do something on it.

something /sŭm′thĭng/
I do not know what
I do not remember what


I was so invested in arranging the meaning of something, that I forgot what I was writing about, the story below is after 5 minutes of reading what I wrote from top to this point.

(Where were we? Yes! "Attention span".) We(I?) have lost our(my) abilty to focus. We need something to stimulate us all the time.

The time table is something like this:

Wake Up: Yay, new video from "xyz"! I can’t wait to see what they’ve posted overnight.
Morning Routine: Scroll through the news. Gotta stay updated on current events!
Exercise: Listen to a podcast while I’m at it. It makes the workout feel shorter and more productive.
Freshen Up: I can’t bathe without listening to some music. It sets the mood and makes the routine enjoyable.
Breakfast: Did anyone post something interesting? Maybe I’ll share my breakfast too!
Commute to Work/School: It’s so hard to find good music.
Work/School: Slides, slides, slides, ahah! PDF overload!.
Mid-Morning Break: I need a quick TikTok break. These videos are so funny.
Lunch: Scrolling through Instagram while I eat.
Afternoon Slump: I need a boost! Time for a quick game on my phone to recharge my brain.
Back from School: How is someone, let’s call them? I need to catch up on the latest gossip! Let’s text them.
Evening Activities: Watching a new series on Netflix while scrolling through social media. Multitasking is key!
Dinner: I’ll put on a YouTube video while I eat.
Post-Dinner: Time for a quick scroll through Twitter. I need to see what’s trending today!
In Bed: Can’t sleep without white noise. I need that sound to drown out the silence and help me drift off.
Before Sleep: Just one last scroll through social media.

Well, we never know when the thing we despise becomes a short break, then a habit and finally the ultimate form: addiction. I mean I hate social media, and yet I find myself endlessly scrolling and while still being aware of it multiple times a day. My excuse to it for myself is: I love technology, I am pursuing a career in it and well this is a part of it, it is how I become up to date to the things I need to know. Otherwise, I will be behind this race(Basically FOMO). Sometimes I try to focus on only things that I think matters and control myself of being overly simulated and the next day(withdrawls start) all night scroll compensating the day before.


Do not just take this story as fiction. Ignorance in this case, isn't bliss.

I wish "living" was simple, talking to people was simple, sharing your views was simple, sharing achievements (showing off) was simple, sharing pain was simple; but nothing is. I am an introvert, I have no friends, I have no one to talk to, I am not what people expect; all these feeling hit everyone at least once in our lives but the problem is that mostly they all hit at once(Could it, be.. any worse? #chandler). But, it seems that this is normal.

Each generation perceives life differently. The entire perspective of life seen by our grandparents is different from our parents and is different from how we perceive the world and I wonder the tension of views it creates when all the generations with their own good perspective of the world are together in the same place(imagine them living in the same place).

A grandchild disagreeing to both their father/mother's and grandparent's way of thinking (In this sentence, all three generations can be permuted to any place.) is the best way to create hate amongst family members. This is why, living alone and meeting people only during special occasions works best to have a healthy family. ("I guess", because I haven't scientifically collected the data to say it with confdence.)


Assume that you are reading the mind of a person who is struggling to write what they want to write. That way this story feels more natural.

We humans are the superior animals because we can reason, then change and adapt. You might argue that other animals change and adapt too, but the adaptation they go through is from natural selection not through intelligence. Yet, to change from what we are currently to what we want to be is a very energy consuming process and evolutionarily we are built to save our energy which prevents us from changing from what we are(yes, we have been evolved to be lazy and it is inhuman(inanimal?) to not be lazy, beat that excuse the next time someone calls you lazy.).

(jokes aside) The best thing that we humans can do is change and adapt and know that it is worth it to use the enery to change our nature. And the point of this story is there is no point in being arrogant and believing in something so badly that you can not change how you see it.


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