Hello! I am Scientiac. I welcome you in my fun little corner of the internet where I share my thoughts and write about things I like.
As a student, currently studying computer engineering I love computers obviously, but beyond that I like gazing at the stars and writing literature. More on computers and software, I use Linux and I do feel like I cannot live without it. I have come to learn about privacy on the internet, so I love using FOSS whenever possible.
This site is built with the Zola static site generator. Taking inspirations from my fellow friends from the fediverse; Kev Quirk, Benjamin Hollon, Joel Chrono and reading their thoughts on what a blogging website should feel like, I have created this beautiful website focused on the reading experience than design.
Readable CSS is the base CSS of my site and LaTeX Fonts are the preferred fonts.
That guy from the internet, scientist or something.